Instant Hummus


Garbanzo flour, crushed roasted white sesame, lemon powder (maltodextrin, lemon juice, lemon oil – tiny amount), garlic powder, cumin, sea salt

Shelf stable, nutritious, and delicious

Kids love it; helps to get their vegetables in!

1 bag equal to (4) Four 10 oz. prepared Hummus’ with no waste

Just add water

[DO not add extra virgin olive OIL, who needs it! I might add a bit of smashed garbanzo beans and/or avocado.]

Make as little or as much as you want: convenient, easy to make, easy to use, and easy to eat.

Doesn’t spoil!

But okay, it is a bit high in sodium. The best recipe for oilfree hummus is using garbanzo beans as a base & whipping it up with some sort of handheld “stick blender”.

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