Rinse w/ Beet Juice?

Reason suggested is that beets are full of nitrates. These stop overgrowth of bad bacteria & reduces oral acidity.

However, using it as a replacement mouthwash may not be a good idea as it can stain teeth.

Juice is even more likely to stain because it is a concentrated form of the vegetable, experts warn.

Whizzed-up leafy greens, such as, spinach and kale, may be a better option – as they are less likely to stain teeth.

Swish it in your mouth, then gulp it down!


Russ & Tuck – eloquent analysis of world’s condition

Jan 30, 2024

I may need to generalize the title of this category one day. If I ever come across an article, book, post, interview even vaguely related to the madness we have all lived through during (oddly enough, now that I think of it) the last election cycle – it will be posted here.

I am the last person to enjoy jumping into (what I have always considered to be) the trivialities of partisan politics. I’ve always viewed it as a ridiculous head game foisted by the wealthy & powerful upon the unsuspecting electorate. I just refused to participate. But when my (and my family’s) personal autonomy was arrogantly violated by the authoritarian tactics of our institutions & our “over-class” I no longer viewed it as a game.

I didn’t want it to be about politics. I genuinely view political organizations (most ALL of them) with a healthy dose of suspicion. That hasn’t changed. I distrust institutions and the people embroiled in them. I’m a simple woman. I am only interested in those who support our individual sovereignty and only to the extent that I find their ideas rational. So I can agree and disagree with them at the same time.

In that spirit I share with you the following conversation:

Russ & Tuck – eloquent analysis of world’s condition.


The World Hoax Organization: Those Failing to Comply… and ‘Disease X’

By Hunter Fielding January 29, 2024

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned sovereign nations that those states that refuse to comply with the globalists’ “New Order” will pay the price when so-called “Disease X” is unleashed on the public.

According to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the “New World Order” will be ushered in when states sign the United Nations “health” agency’s “Pandemic Treaty.”

By signing the treaty, countries will enable the United Nations (UN) and WHO be establish an unelected single world government.

Under the condition of the treaty, nations will need to surrender their powers to the UN for the sake of the “New Order.”

The WHO is now demanding that all member states sign the treaty in order to be “protected” from “Disease X.”

Those who fail to comply will be signing a death warrant for their citizens, Tedros warns.

Steve Watson and Professor Michel Chossudovsky expounded on this conspiracy in a Jan. 25 piece published by the Center for Research on Globalization.

They quoted a piece by Forbes about Disease X, which is used by medical tyrants to “encourage the development of countermeasures, including vaccines and tests, to deploy in the case of a future outbreak.”

According to the article…

[Go to this link to read remainder of this post. If asked to subscribe you may select the free option.]


Day 293 of Year 9 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Lift (leg day @ gym)
* 5 hours driving

(2) × (32) = 64 oz(+)

* rolled oats & grapenuts w/ boiled water, pomegranate & splash of almond milk
* pinto beans w/ rice, cabbage, avocado, salsa
* banana
* oilfree baked potato waffle in burger bun (meatless & dairyfree) w/ lettuce, onion, tomato & mustard


* celery

Day 292 of Year 9 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors (post-meal)
* Lift (push day on total gym)

(2) × (32) = 64 oz(+)

* rolled oats & grapenuts w/ boiled water, pomegranate & splash of almond milk
* sliced orange
* veggie noodle soup (lots of cruciferous veggies & high fiber noodles!)
* one slice roasted veggie dairyfree pizza
* steamed spinach w/ balsamic vinegar & lemon juice
* celery stalks
* gorilla salad


Stress Management: Key to a Healthy Thyroid

Thyroid disorders, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, have become common due to genetic predisposition and external factors like stress. Stress increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, affecting thyroid function. Managing stress involves deep breathing exercises, meditation, regular exercise, healthy food, sufficient sleep, living in the present, maintaining work-life balance, and seeking professional help. Chronic stress has been shown to affect the thyroid gland in some studies.


Day 290 of Year 9 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors (pre-meal)
* Lift (pull day @ home on total gym, post-meal)

(2) × (32) = 64 oz (+)

* leftover sweet potato and black bean quinoa chili
* eggless bites made w/ mung egg (JustEgg copycats recipe)
* steamed broccoli
* sweet potato burger (need to make it from scratch – copy cat – next time) w/ romaine, onion, tomato, Best Ranch dressing, mustard on multi-grain sourdough toast from freezer
* plain sparkling water w/ shot of XL-soft drink
* sliced orange