Please tell anybody OVER-65 in your life: Why you MUST try to WALK a lot

I love this quote:

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. The Europeans value themselves on having subdued the horse to the uses of man. But I doubt whether we have not lost more than we have gained by the use of this animal. No one has occasioned so much the degeneracy of the human body. An Indian goes on foot nearly as far in a day, for a long journey, as an enfeebled white does on his horse, and he will tire the best horses. There is no habit you will value so much as that of walking far without fatigue. I would advise you to take your exercise.

– Thomas Jefferson

Sciatica Pain Relief in 10 min (the 2:1:2 Method!)

In this video, Shrey Vazir, an advanced physiotherapist specializing in low back pain, shows you the 2:1:2 method to help relieve sciatica pain quickly.  These are gentle stretches, positions and strengthening exercises he routinely recommends to many of his patients that he sees in the Rapid Access Low Back Pain Clinic in Toronto Canada. 

Watch the full video for demonstration, suggestions and guidelines on how many repetitions/sets for each exercise!