Month: May 2018
Day 49 of Year 4 Low-SOS Vegan Plan (Mother’s Day Eats!)
3 Ingredient Pancake Batter
- mashed banana
- ground rolled oats
- almond milk
Gorilla Salad
- romaine lettuce
- shredded carrots
- red onions
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- quinoa
- edamame
- palm hearts
- olives
- pasta salad
- mushrooms
- balsamic vinegar
Watch “What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Cheese!” on YouTube
Eating Within Six Hours
Research shows eating within a smaller window of time may improve health (click here).
On the program they ate breakfast between 6.30am and 8.30am each morning, and ate dinner no later than 3pm, six hours later. They then fasted for the rest of the day — which amounted to about 18 hours.
On the typical American diet, they ate their meals over a 12-hour period.
They consumed exactly the same foods, with exactly the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nutrients – monitored carefully be the researchers.
The early eaters dramatically improved their sensitivity to insulin, protecting them from dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels.
It also lowered their blood pressure and oxidative stress levels and reduced their cravings for snacks in the evening.
Another research plan with similar results had participants eating all meals between 8am & 2pm.