Winter cometh! Let’s warm up the kitchen & our bellies with a lowfat, oil-free, plant based hominy soup.

3 ounces Soy Curls (dehydrated soy bean pods, available on Amazon)
2 medium diced red potatoes
2 medium diced carrots
1/2 small diced white onion
2 celery stalks, diced
4 garlic cloves, pressed
14.5 oz. can fire roasted crushed tomatoes plus the juice
15 oz. can hominy, drained and rinsed
3 C water
1 14 ounce can of vegan soup stock
1 T chili powder
1 T cumin
1 T cayenne
1 t oregano
Juice of 2 lemons
Chopped cilantro & onion, reserved for garnish

(For my batch I doubled this recipe)
* Soak soy curls in water to rehydrate.

* Water sauté pressed garlic & chopped onion, until translucent, in soup pot.

* Add cubed potatoes, carrots and celery, & sauté for 2 minutes.

* Add the can of tomatoes and its juice, drained hominy and spices.

* Stir to mix well.
* drain the soaking soy curls & shred with couple of quick, short pulses in blender.
* Add broth, water and the soy curls to the soup pot.

* Add juice of lemons.
* Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover & simmer for 45 minutes.
* Serve, garnished w/ chopped cilantro & raw chopped onions.
* Makes 6 servings, delicioso!

This is a variation of Chow Vegan’s recipe for vegan menudo: