Also go watch this on youtube to read very interesting comments below the video.
I’m not an MD, but here is what I use.
I put drops in daily to loosen wax for a week. Then I bought the 3-stream ear syringe linked above & flushed it over & over again (maybe 10 -12 times)… and it worked!
I also use this ear+wax+removal+tool
Here’s what I read on Amazon review comment:
No need to buy a $30.00 Spray Bottle; this thing works quite well for removing earwax for about $5-6. I have an oily kind of earwax that does not fall out of the ear the way normal earwax is supposed to. Over time the earwax builds up quite a bit, along with lint, dust, soap, and shampoo redidue that gets in. I wish I had known about this years ago, it would have saved me a lot of trouble.
What I Did:
– I got a 12 oz cup, and put in about a tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, and filled the remainder with distilled water.
Distilled water can be purchased at supermarkets and drugstores for nominal cost, or you can boil tap water (keep it boiling for 5 minutes to kill any germs) and let it cool before use.
– Make sure the Hydrogen Peroxide/Water Solution in close to body temperature; cold water will cause dizziness and hot water will cause pain.
– Once I was satisfied with the temperature of the Hydrogen Peroxide/Water Solution I put the Syringe in the water, and drew the plunger to fill it with the Solution.
– I leaned into the bathroom sink making sure that the flared tip of the Syringe was inserted into the ear canal as much as possible, tilting my head to make sure that the Syringe was perfectly vertical (which means that the ear canal is also vertical) so that the water can drain out properly.
– After about 3 vigorous squirts (3 full Syringes of the Solution) a lot (I mean a LOT) of yucky stuff came out.
Once I recovered from the trauma of seeing what was in my ear, I was able to hear even the tiniest sound; I keep thinking that my cell phone has been accidentally switched to speaker mode because it sounds so loud.
– If you have perforations on your ear drum, you should NOT use this product. If you don’t have any other issues with your ear other than earwax I recommend that you use this at least once a month to keep your ears clean.
This thing has been amazingly effective for me. I hope it works as well for you.
Update: Aug 26, 2013
I noticed that you can avoid the dizziness etc. if you do 1 squirt in each ear, wait about 5 minutes for the wax to soften up, and follow up with 2 more rounds at 5 minute intervals.
It’s been so effective that I ordered 2 more for other people in my family.