Radiation Survivors – What They Did



Learn what to do about radiation. Don’t live in fear. If you experience exposure and are still alive, there is always hope. Learn from those who survived Chernobyl and a test pilot who flew through a mushroom cloud. Stop worrying so much about Fukishima and radiation in the ocean, air and food. You can’t outrun it, so learn how to deal with it. Yes it can be detoxed. Be informed and inspired!

Being exposed to radiation is not a death warrant. You can educate yourself and learn how to heal yourself. You’ll discover that by keeping a positive outlook, letting go of all the negative in your life, changing your diet by eating raw vegetable and supplements, your body and mind will begin to heal. You will transform from living a life in fear and sickness to a healthier one of hope and happiness. 

From 1946 to 1993 fourteen countries used the ocean for a dumping ground for nuclear waste http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publicat… 4.1 Distribution of Disposal operation- Geographical and Temporal The first reported sea disposal operation of radioactive waste took place in 1946 and latest in 1993. During the 48 year history of sea disposal, 14 countries have used more than 80 sites to dispose of approximately 85 PBq, 2.3 MCi5, of radioactive waste. Radioactivity is everywhere http://imnh.isu.edu/digitalatlas/clim… 

Radiation is everywhere. It is a form of energy. Radiation is produced when the nucleus of an atom is broken apart. Huge amounts of energy are stored in the nucleus. When it splits, called fission, it produces heat and radiation. Nuclear power plants use the heat to turn water into steam and produce electricity. The radiation, and any radioactive materials generated are considered to be waste products. More than four-fifths of the radiation we receive comes from natural sources. This is called background radiation because it is present everywhere, all the time. Radioactive atoms are often called radionuclides. 

When you receive radiation you need to be on a raw food diet- Capt Gary Pylant http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/trac… 

Plant-based foods top the list of radio-protective foods due to their abundance of phytonutrients, aka phytochemicals, that possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. Plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, cocoa, herbs, and spices, in their whole, unprocessed state are naturally high in antioxidants and other protective components. Antioxidants protect us against the oxidizing effects of free radicals and therefore may reduce the damage caused by ionizing radiation and radioactive elements. 

Stress causes more damage than the actual “issue” itself- Katrine Volynsky, Chernobyl Survivor https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti… Abstract…The correlation between stressful life events and psychiatric illness is stronger than the correlation with medical or physical illness. The relationship of stress with psychiatric illness is strongest in neuroses, which is followed by depression and schizophrenia…. 

A solution to all this toxic material that has been released from atomic bombs and other modes of toxic debris is Chelation process of the green foods and blender drinks.. http://www.naturalnews.com/038670_hea… 

Pectin, found in the rinds of various fruits and vegetables, has been found to chelate heavy metals and other contaminants from the blood stream. These contaminants are then excreted from the system through urination. Good sources of pectin are green apples, cabbage, bananas, beets, grapes, carrots and the pith of citrus fruits… 






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