Assessing “Central Obesity” (Waist to Hip Ratio)

Waist to hip ratio cut-off levels

Excess abdominal fat distribution is indicated by a WHR greater than 0.8 for women and 0.9 for men.

Due to the natural variation in body shape and composition between different ethnicities, the cut-off points for determining central obesity are slightly different. Ethnicities with a smaller build, such as Japanese and Chinese, may be at risk at a lower WHR. It is best to see your doctor to have a thorough examination that takes these factors into account.

If your WHR is greater than the cut-off levels, you should see a doctor. You are at risk for developing the following conditions:

  • Diabetes: A high WHR is not the most reliable prediction of diabetes, but it does correlate with individuals who have diabetic levels of fasting blood glucose. A WHR over 0.96 for men and 0.83 for females is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes. If these WHR values are coupled with a BMI over 25, the risk is even greater. Tests for diabetes should be carried out immediately, and at least every three years.
  • Ischaemic stroke: An elevated WHR is associated with an increased risk of ischaemic stroke. A 1.6-fold greater risk has been determined for females with a WHR greater than 0.87, and a 2.3-fold greater risk for men with a WHR greater than 0.98.
  • High blood pressure: A large WHR is associated with high blood pressure. Even if you have a BMI in the normal range, you will still have an increased risk of hypertension if your WHR is high.
  • Reduced lung function: Poor lung function is significantly correlated to a WHR greater than 0.94±0.06. Reduced lung function causes difficulties in breathing and physical performance.
  • Metabolic risk factors: A large WHR is associated with abnormal levels of uric acidC-reactive protein, triglyerol, insulin, glucose and HDL cholesterol. These organic compounds are all associated with various medical conditions.

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