Let’s modify the following 10 suggestions the author writes about at the end of his article [SEE MY MODIFICATIONS IN BRACKETS]:
- Eat a Low-Glycemic Load Diet — Lean animal protein (chicken, fish, and eggs), nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruit, and small amounts of non-gluten grains. [ELIMINATE *ALL* FLESH, DAIRY & EGGS FROM DIET]
- Power Up with Protein — Start the day with protein and at each meal. This makes your metabolism run hotter and cuts hunger. Incorporate eggs, protein shakes, nuts, seeds, chicken, or fish. [HIGH PROTEIN TOUGH ON KIDNEYS & JOINTS. PLANT FOODS HAVE SUFFICIENT LEVELS]
- Don’t Drink Your Calories — No sodas, juices, sweetened drinks and no more than 3-4 glasses of wine or alcohol a week with meals. [PREFERABLY *NO* ALCOHOL]
- Avoid the Deadly White Powder or Flour — Including gluten-free flour products. Even whole grain flour acts like sugar in your body. [LIMIT *ALL* PROCESSED CARBS]
- Beware of Frankenfood — Factory-made foods are often science projects with fake ingredients including MSG (which causes ravenous hunger and is hidden as “natural flavoring”), high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, preservatives, and chemicals.
- Eat From the Right Plant — If it was made in a plant stay away, if it was grown on a plant it is probably okay.
- Get an Oil Change — Eat omega-3 fat-rich foods including sardines and wild salmon and avoid refined and processed vegetable oils except olive oil. [AVOID *ALL* PROCESSED FATS (OIL), AND INSTEAD OF GOING FISHING ADD GROUND FLAXSEED & A FEW WALNUTS FOR OMEGA 3]
- Get Going and Get Strong — Both cardio and strength training are key. Cardio builds fitness and improves metabolism, and strength training builds muscle so you won’t be a skinny fat person.
- Take Supplements — They grease the wheels of your metabolism and help burn calories and balance blood sugar. A good multivitamin, fish oil (EPA/DHA,) and vitamin D do the trick for 95 percent of people. [IDEAL TO GET VITAMIN D NATURALLY FROM SUNSHINE, EAT WIDE VARIETY OF PRODUCE & ONLY SUPPLEMENT B12]
- Protect Sleep Time — Sleep deprivation alters metabolism and increases cravings for carbs and sugar. Sleep is sacred. Make your bedroom a sleeping temple and stay there for 7 to 8 hours a night.