The Dark Truth About Big Food, Big Pharma,  Ozempic and the Pill

Bro/Sis Casey & Calley Means.

Previous interview with Casey:

I am surprised this research was not mentioned:

Like a human encyclopedia, Dr. Means listed an array of alarming health statistics, and you won’t believe how bad the numbers are until you see them for yourself:

• Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past.

• In California, it’s even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.

• 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.

• Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese.

• 50% of American adults have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, when only 1% of Americans in the 1950s had the disease.

• 30% of teens now have prediabetes.

• Infertility is increasing by 1% per year.

• Sperm counts are decreasing by 1% per year.

• 40% of 18-year-olds have a mental health diagnosis.

• Young adult cancers are up 79%.

What’s causing all this? It’s simple: “Our toxic food system and our toxic environment.”

THIS DISCUSSION IS BEYOND ALARMING, LIKELY THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR GENERATION… however, it remains your own responsibility to research & determine the specific benefits of lowfat plantbased nutrition.

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