Spine surgeon says I’m right about back pain & treatment

I’ve made videos explaining the most common causes of back pain = which are NOT in the textbooks!

There are some old papers on abdominal aorta atherosclerosis being associated with lumbar spine degenerative disc disease. I figured out that ischemia (& likely gly-phosphate & flouride & lack of vitamin C) appear to be associated with all the common patterns of spinal degeneration from skull to sacrum:

#1. DISH (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis) = anterior & lateral vertebral body bridging osteophytes (bone spurs).

#2. Interbody fusion = calcification and ossification across the disc space to fuse the vertebral bodies.

#3. Calcification & ossification of the posterior disc & the posterior longitudinal ligament = OPLL (Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament).

#4. Baastrup’s disease = ossific fusion of the posterior spinous processes. Why? B/c failure of the outer disc = annulus fibrosis

Then there is abnormal motion = segmental instability. Then the spine proprioceptors notice this. The spine responds by trying to fuse the segment.

Low fat plant foods increase blood flow to the spine b/c have potassium, magnesium, nitrates (precursors to nitric oxide), antioxidants, vitamin C (needed for proper collagen synthesis).

SAD diet = high fat & high sodium = decreased blood flow to spine.

Sad diet has more GP = appears to damage collagen.

Tap water has F- (flouride) = appears to damage collagen of spine ligaments.

Excess stress causes hypertension & increased blood viscosity = promotes atherosclerosis.

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