# face exercise
# Lift rock bottom @ gym
# kickbox 60 min
# standing/walking desk 6 hrs
# ab-coaster @ home (3 sets of 40)
# leg magic @ home (3 sets of 15)
WATER: (goal: > 75)
(5) × (25.4) = 127 oz
* 3 oz Naked Kale Blazer juice (orange juice, kale puree, apple juice, cucumber juice, spinach juice, celery, ginger juice, lemon juice w/ dehydrated barley, alfalfa juice powder)
* rolled oats w/ hot water, blackstrap molasses, blueberries, strawberries
* banana
* grilled veggie patties (white beans, liquid smoke, bbq sauce, quinoa, kale, oats)
* open-faced veggie burgers served on potato waffles (instead of bread) w/ XL-avocado, onions, sauerkraut, tomatoes
* steamed broccoli served with sauerkraut
* XL-sweet beverage
* almost-healthy “oreos”-like cookies (pairs of Trader Joe’s Low-Fat Kitty Cat Cookies w/ sliced banana in-between)
* bloomin’ mango
* baked thick-cut XL-fries from frozen w/ homemade potato-based mayo
Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food