Sleep Apnea Ideas

I’ve been reading stuff about sleep hygiene.

There are many factors that can contribute to sleep apnea that many miss which includes crowded teeth, underdeveloped maxilla and mandible, a tongue tie, excess weight, physically de-conditioned, aging, post nasal drip, acid reflux, LPR, deviated septum etc.  One must go through an assessment to see what factors relate to them and how they can contribute to their sleeping issues.   
The main treatments for sleep apnea are mandibular devices (which can be challenging to the TMJ) and CPAP machines (which can be a nuisance and who wants to be all hook up!).  Another approach that has helped many is Myofunctional Therapy.  

Apnea issues are typically addressed with sleep hygiene tips (sleep in a dark room, have your bedroom on the cooler side, avoid eating certain food, avoid eating too close to bedtime, go to bed at a certain time, avoid computer screens before bed etc.) and of course medications.  These tips provide minimal help when a person has any of the factors mentioned above.  All medication has side effects so if you can avoid medication, it is suggested you do so.  

Now someone wrote about breathing pauses that last as long as 1 min being normal.  That is not normal and this should be addressed! Your body is repairing itself during sleep and should be in a parasympathetic state. If your breathing is intermittent than your whole body will go in and out of sympathetic and parasympathetic states.  This does not allow for optimal repair and recovery.  

There is also all sorts of other health issues that pop up after years of sleep disordered breathing like high blood pressure, heart issues, weight gain, etc.  Who wants any of those!

Try restricting your position to no back sleeping. Get a body pillow that keeps you on your side – or an even CHEAPER more creative idea – sleep in a fishing vest that has tennis balls in the back pouches  – so that if you lay on your back – it will be awkward and uncomfortable – so you would subconciously stay on your side.  No cost, no side effects – problem solved. 

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