Day 74 of Year 7 Low-SOS Vegan Plan (Day 94 of Year 2 COVID-19 Lockdown… wait…no! Today “EMBARGO lifted”! No more lockdown!!!)

* Jog 5k outdoors
* Lift back & triceps
* Face exercise
* Eye exercise

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* low XL-sugar granola w/ walnuts on uncooked oatmeal, bran flakes & cheerios w/ almond milk & strawberries
* veggie sushi
Moroccan soup w/ lots of veggies
* sourdough avocado toast

Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

[Restaurants, gyms & other businesses resuming INDOOR operations w/ no limited occupancy! After 1 year & 94 days lockdown has ended today, June 15, 2021!]

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