Longevity Tips from Centenarian, MD

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara

Japanese doctor who lived to 105—his spartan diet, views on retirement, and other rare longevity tips.
1. Don’t retire. But if you must, do so a lot later than age 65.
2. Take the stairs (and keep your weight in check).
3. Find a purpose that keeps you busy.
4. Rules are stressful; try to relax them.
5. Remember that doctors can’t cure everything.
6. Find inspiration, joy and peace in art.
Read DETAILS here.
I love it! He encouraged us to play like children! 😄
Here are MY modifications (just keep in mind that I’m 40 years younger than he was!)
1. If you hate your job retire at 25! Train yourself in something you love doing, become the consummate expert in the field, then you will have less trouble finding a way to make a living doing it. (Consumers/employers seek out the best, and they recognize passion when they see it!)
2. MOVE! Yes, take those stairs, but also park far from the front door, walk/slow-jog/bicycle instead of driving… swab the scuppers, hang the jib, run the rig, heave the yardarm, batten down the hatches, weigh the anchor & hoist the mizzen! (In other words, do resistance training… like a pirate, aargh!)
3. Live to love… & let yourself laugh!
4. What rules?
5. Know your own body & outlive your doctor!
6. Bow your knee only to the ONE greater than yourself.
If you’re struggling with your health, follow a strict SOS-Free plant-based lifestyle.
If your health is strong & stable consider a LOW-SOS plant-based lifestyle.
*(SOS = salt, oil, sugar)

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