Cardiovascular conditions put Covid-19 patients at highest risk. Just look around you, they’re everywhere:
*Coronary artery disease
*Congestive heart failure
*Body Mass Index > 30%
Now consider how MANY Americans live w/ these conditions. These are the people who absolutely must avoid infection.
Wearing a mask does not protect me, I get that. But if I should unknowingly be infectious my mask (such a minor inconvenience) may protect those vulnerable people around me.
Nobel prize-winning epidemiologist Michael Levitt suggests that instead of lockdown we should promote:
And protect the most vulnerable in our society.
Sounds reasonable to me.
UPDATE May 8, 2020
“A (cloth) mask is worn to help protect others in case the wearer [unkowingly] has the virus. An N95 mask helps protect the wearer from getting the virus from others.”
But as of yesterday masks are no longer *required* in my California county, only recommended.
“businesses may still require face coverings for customers and employees”
In the explanation published in newspaper no mention was made about protecting others. What I believe is happening is that we are finally beginning to embrace the science behind this disease, that is not nearly as deadly as we once believed.