Everyday movements scientifically proven to burn MORE calories than workouts


* standing instead of sitting in the office, the body uses more oxygen and in turn, burns more calories

* changing your posture, instead of sitting in the same position for hours

* leaning side to side in your chair, tapping your foot, shaking your leg, wiggling your toes, twirling your hair and shoulder rolls can keep the body active and burning calories

* browsing aisles at the supermarket or walking a few blocks to your bus stop can expend energy

* pacing around your home while you talk on the phone can burn calories

* domestic activities such as cooking your own meals, doing a bit of cleaning and hand-washing dishes can massively increase energy usage

* making beds, gardening, washing windows, carrying out the trash and scrubbing surfaces all burn calories and work muscles

* clean the bathtub, lift the mattress to make the bed, haul heavy trash bags from the kitchen to the curb and climb the stairs repeatedly in your house, you’re working out without even noticing

* digging, weeding, raking and planting, which can be considered moderate-intensity exercise

* stairs over an elevator in your office building, a doctor’s office, the mall or subway station can help you lose

* doing simple things with your pets such as throwing a ball or taking them on a casual walk can also help with weight loss

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