The truth about organic food

An interview w/ Dr. Brenda Eskenazi to learn about pesticides.


0:00 What’s the CHAMACOS study?
2:40 Why should people who aren’t farmworkers, care?
6:00 Importance of funding CHAMACOS
11:16 How farmworker health affects us all
12:43 Future of CHAMACOS
15:21 Glyphosate’s effects: liver disease, respiratory disease, and more
20:28 Epigenetic aging
22:00 Causality vs. association
26:27 Are the Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 accurate?
27:33 Can I wash off pesticides?
29:00 Does organic actually have fewer pesticides?
30:37 Unfortunate substitutes
31:39 Diet & geography influences on pesticide exposure
33:24 Policy changes caused by CHAMACOS
34:15 How scientists over-dramatize findings
36:32 Why Dr. Eskenazi’s not retired
40:08 CHAMACOS key findings: lower IQ’s, autism, respiratory problems, more
44:46 Glyphosate & cancer risk
46:19 Increased colon cancer in US
47:20 How pesticides harm the environment
47:50 Atrazine’s effects & Syngenta’s cover-up
51:05 How to reduce your pesticide exposure: does eating vegan help?
51:47 Do people eating organic eat fewer pesticides?
52:36 Why the US’s pesticide problem is especially bad
54:09 Positive change is possible

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