Part 1 Peter Rogers, MD Feb 24 Newsletter

All fat is bad. There are no good fats. The only dietary fat you need, is the minimal amount present in low fat, plant foods. Even omega 3 fats are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer.

The so called “good fats” are metabolic poisons. Fallen angel number one is olive oil. Olive oil carries a lot of emotional baggage. Odysseus and Penelope built their marriage bed around an olive tree.1

I love the Greeks. I love the Italians. But olive oil has no place in a healthy diet.

Olive oil is all hype, and no real benefit. Look at the name, “Extra Virgin Olive Oil.” That sounds like marketing for the sale of a sex slave.

The “Mediterranean diet” is a bogus concept. People just use the phrase “Mediterranean diet” as an excuse to eat fish, olive oil, wine, cheese, eggs, chicken, and other metabolic poisons.

Olive oil, like all oils, is liquid fat. Liquid fat has no nutrients. All dietary fat promotes obesity.

Olive oil, like all oils, is thought to be toxic to your gut lining (enterocytes), your red blood cells (rouleaux formation), your platelets (increaed stickiness), your arterial lining (endothelium), and your skeletal muscle (insulin resistance).2

In general, vegetable oils contain a lot of omega six fats: safflower, sunflower, soybean oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil are all 50-80% omega 6 fat, especially, linoleic acid 18:2.

Skeptical Reader (SR): What about those doctors who publicly have said that olive oil is “heart healthy?”

VP: What food companies do, is they rig short term studies by making olive oil part of a moderately healthy diet, and then comparing it to a very poor diet.

SR: On what evidence do you condemn olive oil?

VP: First of all, let’s talk about its scientific name. The main type of fat in olive oil is oleic acid, with its deprotonated form called “oleate.”

Oleate is a C18 fatty acid, meaning that it has 18 carbons. Oleate is a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), meaning that it has one double bond. Oleate is the most common MUFA in nature.

Oleate is written as C18:1, delta 9 which means that the 18 carbon fatty acid, has a single double bond, on carbon number 9.

Pmp: By the way, olive oil routinely contains about 13% saturated fat, especially palmitate, C16:0. By that alone, I would never eat it.

Olive oil is also about 10% composed of anomega 6 fat called Lin-Oleic acid, C18:2. Omega 6 fats are proinflammatory. Lin-oleic acid is a PUFA (PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acid).

VP: Robert Vogel MD is a famous cardiologist who has pioneered a brachial artery tourniquet test to show endothelial function.3

The tourniquet is placed on the upper arm for 5 minutes, and then released. Transcutaneous ultrasound then measures the diameter of the brachial artery.

Pmp: The tourniquet time causes ischemia of the forearm. Therefore – when the tourniquet is released – a normal brachial artery will vasodilate – enlarge in diameter – to permit more blood flow to the forearm. The endothelial cells release nitric oxide – vasodilator – which causes the artery to dilate.

Healthy arteries are dynamic; they vasoconstrict (narrow), and vasodilate (widen), in response to local tissue, oxygen needs.

VP: However, when endothelial cells are injured by dietary fat, they are less able to make nitric oxide.

Olive oil decreased the brachial artery’s ability to dilate by 31%.

All dietary fat has a negative effect on blood flow which is worst at 3 to 6 hours postprandial.4

Pmp: Dietary olive oil also increases the tendency of RBC’s to develop rouleaux formation.

Dietary fat increases insulin resistance, and the risk of diabetes.

VP: Salad dressing is for puzzies. You don’t need it. I eat my salads plain, like a manly man.

SR: What about oils for cooking?

Pmp: You don’t need oils for cooking. Up until about 100 years ago, people cooked without oils.

For most starches, all you need to do is boil water: beans, potatos, sweet potatos, rice, oatmeal, quinoa.

Most fruits and vegetables are eaten raw: carrots, blueberries, apples, pears, bananas, salad.

VP: Oils are the “Achilles heel” of philosophical vegans.56

Pmp: I have an Indian doctor friend, who is quite skinny. I did not see him for a couple of months. Upon seeing him again, I said, “Where have you been?”

Indian doctor friend (Idf): I died, but I’m okay now.

Pmp: What?

Idf: I had a heart attack, and coded, but they successfully resuscitated me, and they put in a coronary artery stent.

Pmp: I thought you were a vegetarian.

Idf: I am.

Pmp: It must be oils! Do you put oil in your food?

Idf: Oh yeah. You need that for cooking.

Pmp: No, you don’t. All oils are bad for health, and that includes olive oil, coconut oil, and fish oil.

VP: Whenever I hear that a 100% vegan has coronary artery disease, it’s usually due to dietary oil.789Atherosclerosis worsens just as much from MUFA as from saturated fat.

Pmp: Caldwell Esselstyn MD has the best results in the world for the prevention of coronary artery disease. Esselstyn’s diet is 100% plant based, with no oils, no nuts, and no caffeine.

Esselstyn’s results are about 40 times better than those obtained with a version of the Mediterranean diet.1011

VP: When you look closely at the data, it becomes obvious that any intelligent person would choose the Vegan diet over drugs, stents, or surgery.

Pmp: In the health care world,

it is ASTONISHING how few people read.

99.9% of people choose drugs, stents, surgery over the Vegan diet, and they pay a high price for their ignorance.


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