Plant-Based Doctors on COVID vaccine

Very interesting list of plant-based opinions on the c19 vaccine. Most interesting are those who previously questioned vaccines, but acquiesced to this (untested) one. Nevertheless, the choice was theirs alone.

In this list Nutritional Biochemist Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Cardiologist Dr. Baxter Montgomery strike me as most informative, rational, clear thinking. A shout-out also to Cardiologist Dr. Joel Kahn.

We humans lost a big chunk of our common sense these past 3 1/2 years. We stopped reasoning through issues & proceeded based solely upon our fear & emotions. I do not mean to imply I was immune, I was not! It has been a real eye-opener for me.

I vehemently support free personal choice when it comes to faith, politics, medicine, diet, etc. My disappointment has evolved in the revelation that even the most educated among us refused to question & research the “facts” around covid – both the virus & the vaccine. So what else are we embracing without question? Why has inquiry become taboo? (That’s a good question for journalists. They are an embarrassment to their profession, as so many physicians & research scientists have become.)

Suffice to say, I have learned more about human nature in these past few years than I had in a lifetime. The disappointment makes me feel old & tired like an elderly woman. But I am not old. I am like a newborn kitten whose eyes are finally becoming open & clear.

[For an interesting 2020 audio interview with the amazing Dr. Baxter Montgomery as he treated his patients during covid 19 click here.]

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