Watch “I Do These 6 Weightlifting Exercises Every Week for Strong, Toned Arms 💪”

“Here’s how to get toned arms AND maintain them year round… I do these 6 arm exercises every week and this is my favorite toned arms workout. Do this upper body workout for women weekly for best results!”

She recommends 8 to 12 repetitions per set.

* If you cannot get to 8 reps – lighten the load.

* If you can exceed 12 reps – increase the load.

* As strength improves increase number of sets [ Editor: usually up to 3 or 4 sets ]

* DO NOT FAST before weightlifting workouts – see video time 17:58


1. Time 9:13 Push-ups

2. Time 10:39 Dips

3. Time 13:27 Bent Over Row

4. Time 14:49 Upright Row

5. Time 15:49 Pulldown

6. [ Editor: I also suggest Shoulder Press ]

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