“Your 32 Questions About Ivermectin”


Hyperlinked Timestamps (from youtube reader comments)

Introduction Ivermectin FAQ

1:00 What if a person had meningitis in the past?

2:05 What if I have migraine headaches?

2:23 What about a patient of encephalitis?

3:09 What if a patient has tinnitus and hyperacusis?

4:00 Can Alzheimer’s patient take Ivermectin?

4:10 What about a patient who had a stroke?

4:36 Can a patient with renal failure take Ivermectin?

5:30 Patient on blood thinners, can they take Ivermectin?

5:50 Will Ivermectin create antibodies against SARS-COV-2?

6:36 How long can I take Ivermectin?

7:42 Why are there so many protocols for Ivermectin?

9:29 Should I take Ivermectin on empty stomach or with food?

10:39 Do I need to administer my patients with Doxycycline or Azithromycin in addition to Ivermectin?

10:56 Should the prophylactic dose be given monthly?

11:25 Can Neem be use instead of Ivermectin?

12:14 Can pregnant women and children apply Ivermectin topically?

12:40 Is it a prescription drug?

13:15 Should long haulers take Ivermectin?

14:12 Where do I get Ivermectin?

14:28 Can someone on meds for hypertension, diabetes and renal stones take Ivermectin?

14:40 Can kids take Ivermectin?

15:46 Can a patient of post COVID long haul syndrome (PCLHS) with gastrointestinal symptoms take Ivermectin?

16:12 How to calculate Ivermectin dose for a prophylaxis for a 250 lbs person?

17:03 Can patients of multiple sclerosis (MS) take Ivermectin?

17:42 I have a brain shunt, can I take Ivermecin?

18:21 Does Ivermectin replace hydroxychloroquine and zinc for the COVID prophylaxis?

18:49 Can patients with chronic constipation, gas and bloating take Ivermectin?

19:28 Can I take lesser than a therapeutic dose for the Ivermectin prophylaxis?

20:07 Does one full does of Ivermectin mean one tablet/pill or many tablets/pills?

20:58 My weight is for 12 mg of Ivermectin, however we have 15 mg tablets. Can I take 15 mg instead of 12 mg?

21:16 How do I round up the dose of Ivermectin?

21:45 Can one take Ivermectin after vaccination?

Mobeen Syed is the CEO of Drbeen Corp, a modern online medical education marketplace. Mobeen is a medical doctor and a software engineer. He graduated from the prestigious King Edward Medical University Lahore. He has been teaching medicine since 1994. Mobeen is also a software engineer and engineering leader. In this role, Mobeen has run teams consisting of hundreds of engineers and millions of dollars of budgets. Mobeen loves music, teaching, and doing business. He lives in Cupertino CA.

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