The Infectious Myth podcast:

Only recently have I come upon articles (and the above podcast) questioning the reliability of the PCR tests that govern our global lockdown response. I am only scratching the surface. It is now the job of the reader to search more deeply and arrive at their own conclusions. If nothing else my research has convinced me how little we truly know about this virus.

PART A) Consider this article from the Bulgarian Pathology Association:

Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose


Finally, the reasons and possible motives remain speculative, and many involved surely act in good faith; but the science is clear: The numbers generated by these RT-PCR tests do not in the least justify frightening people who have been tested “positive” and imposing lockdown measures that plunge countless people into poverty and despair or even drive them to suicide.

And a “positive” result may have serious consequences for the patients as well, because then all non-viral factors are excluded from the diagnosis and the patients are treated with highly toxic drugs and invasive intubations. Especially for elderly people and patients with pre-existing conditions such a treatment can be fatal, as we have outlined in the article “Fatal Therapie.”

Without doubt eventual excess mortality rates are caused by the therapy and by the lockdown measures, while the “COVID-19” death statistics comprise also patients who died of a variety of diseases, redefined as COVID-19 only because of a “positive” test result whose value could not be more doubtful.



PART B) In contrast consider this Reuters’ fact check concerning the quote, “PCR tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all”.

While claiming, “The quote undermining PCR tests is misattributed to [it’s inventor] Mullis and taken out of context”, the article’s author writes:

A spokesperson for Public Health England told Reuters why PCR tests are being used widely in England:

“Molecular diagnostic tests, such as real-time PCR, are the gold standard methods for identifying individuals with an active viral infection, such as SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19 disease), in their respiratory tract. These tests are rapid and produce results in real-time.

“It is important to note that detecting viral material by PCR does not indicate that the virus is fully intact and infectious, i.e. able to cause infection in other people. The isolation of infectious virus from positive individuals requires virus culture methods. These methods can only be conducted in laboratories with specialist containment facilities and are time consuming and complex.”



I wish we could study further with the podcast host David Crowe. The INFECTIOUS MYTH podcast began covering coronavirus on March 3, 2020. On June 16 he spoke of his recent liver cancer diagnosis. On July 12, 2020 David Crowe died.

I thank him for his contribution to our knowledge and I wish him the best on his journey.



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