Why Mini-trampoline (cellucise)?

Dr. Morton Walker, a best-selling author of dozens of books on health and holistic wellness, is a long-time advocate of the Cellerciser. “If you want to live longer with the highest level of wellness, learn firsthand Dave Hall’s Cellercise program,” said Dr. Walker. “It offers prodigious benefits for the lymphatic system, the heart, blood vessels, nerves, brain, and all other cells of the body.”

Here, find Dr. Walker’s published list of 30 great reasons to Cellercise!

1. Increase balance and coordination

2. Reduce chances of heart disease

3. Boost production of red blood cells

4. Aid in lymphatic circulation

5. Strengthen the heart

6. Tone and strengthen muscle fiber

7. Lower resting heart rate

8. Reduce cholesterol and triglyceride

9. Stimulate metabolism

10. Improve vision

11. Promote growth and repair

12. Increase breathing capacity

13. Circulate more oxygen to your cells

14. Tone the glandular system

15. Increase thyroid output

16. Expand capacity to store fuel

17. Increase muscle vigor

18. Reduce headaches and back pains

19. Reduce aches & pains

20. Improve digestion and elimination

21. Allow for deeper sleep

22. Improve ability to relax

23. Stimulate better mental performance

24. Stimulate keener learning process

25. Lessen fatigue

26. Reduce PMS symptoms

27. Reduce menstrual discomfort

28. Improve immune system

29. Slow the aging process

30. Reduce chances of obesity

By Dr. Morton Walker, from The Townsend Letter for Doctors

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