Some Antibody Test Results


And for New York:

In addition to the antibody tests in Santa Clara County & Los Angeles (to learn how many people have already *had* Covid-19), we now have similar results from New York State.

This is the much needed denominator (bottom of fraction) needed to get a clearer picture of the mortality rate. The larger denominator implies this virus’ mortality rate is on par with seasonal flu’s 0.1%. (Santa Clara County 0.12%, LA County 0.18%). New York is higher than flu, but much lower than expected (New York State 0.5%)

Antibody test results & questionnaires indicate:

* Large portion of population has already had the virus

* Many were unaware they had been infected, making transmission from asymptomatic cases highly probable

Some scientists suggest the higher-than-assumed exposure statistic indicates the virus may be further along in its course than previously assumed. Calif governor has ordered autopsy record search as far back as December to see if this is the case.

So why does it seem so many people are dying?

Cannot discount the fact that we are losing many loved-ones to this virus. Stealth & efficient transmission via asymptomatic cases makes what appears to be a disease (w/ relatively low mortality rate) a serious global health problem. Simply stated: more people are being exposed at a faster rate.



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