Updating with More Data

Dr. John Ionnides sharing his recent research analysis – just as he had suspected, validated with more data. Nevertheless, Covid-19 is more contagious than influenza, so it’s going to take out people with comorbidities faster and more efficiently. As these guys have been saying since March we need to invest more in protecting these precious people. If this is not encouragement to take better care of our bodies, I don’t know what is.

[We need a lot more antibody studies in areas other than Santa Clara County. It needs to be verified elsewhere.]


Update 4/20/2020 & 4/24/2020

USC & LA County Dept of Health are now reporting similar results w/ antibody tests. New York antibody tests are also showing high numbers. Two take-aways:

* Large portion of population has already had the virus

* Many were unaware they had been infected, making transmission from asymptomatic cases highly probable

Cannot discount the fact that we are losing many loved-ones to this virus. Stealth & efficient transmission via asymptomatic cases makes what appears to be a disease (w/ relatively low mortality rate) a serious global health problem.

Here is John Ionnides’ interview – long version:


Short video update:

Day 16 of Year 6 Low-SOS Vegan Plan (DAY 36 COVID-19 LOCKDOWN)

* Mini-trampoline jumprope w/ facial O.U.E. workout
* Standing desk all day

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* rolled oats, heart-shaped cheerios, grapenut flakes, raspberries, banana, almonds, almond milk
* stirfry cruciferous veggies w/ teriyaki noodles & hunk of vegan CLA cheez
* sliced orange & almonds


* gorilla salad

Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 14 of Year 6 Low-SOS Vegan Plan (DAY 34 COVID-19 LOCKDOWN)

* Jog outdoors
* Standing desk all day

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* natural apple sauce, banana & a few pistachios
* homemade very veggie burger (mixed w/ small amount of store-bought commercial vegan XL-burger) w/ added sauerkraut, avocado, mushroom, tomato, lettuce, onion, CLA cheez on whole grain toast
* steamed asparagus w/ white beans & bbq sauce
* plain sparkling water w/ shot of soft XL-drink


* taco w/ tomato, onion, avocado, CLA cheez, vegan pastrami on grilled corn tortilla
* celery soaked in lemon & XL-salt juice
* sliced orange

Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Day 13 of Year 6 Low-SOS Vegan Plan (DAY 33 COVID-19 LOCKDOWN)

* Mini-trampoline jumprope w/ facial O-U-E workout
* Lift upper back
* Standing desk all day

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* oatmeal w/ blueberry, almond milk, banana & few pistachios
* sliced orange
* vegan pastrami sandwich on whole grain w/ sauerkraut, grilled mashed potato patties, steamed veggies
* plain sparkling water w/ shot of soft XL-drink
* natural apple sauce
* homemade mini XL-pizza (contains white flour) w/ shredded homemade CLA cheez, tomato, mushrooms, olives, small amount of shredded dairy-free mozzarella
* tossed salad


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food