Thermal Cooking w/ the Wonderbag

Here’s some white bean chili I prepared for a roadtrip. Food sealed in thermo bag for two hours at home, plus four hours on the road:


List of food/stovetop simmer time (covered w/ food, after bringing back to boil)/approx thermal cooking time:

Rice/ 5 mins /1 to 1.5 hours
Diced Potatoes /5 mins/1 to 2 hours
Soups/10 mins/2 to 3 hours
Green Lentils/10 mins /3 to 4 hours
Split Peas/10 mins /2 hours
Quinoa/5 mins/1.5 hours
Millet/5 mins/1 hours
Polenta/1 min/1 hours
Winter Squash/5 mins/1 to 2 hours
Steamed bread /30 mins /3 hours
*Pre-soaked dry beans/15 mins/4-6 hours

*(soak 8-10 hours)

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