Day 316 of Year 2 Low-SOS Vegan Plan 

# Rest

WATER (goal: 75 oz)
(3) × (25.4) = 76.2 oz

* vegan choco-chip cookies (blenderized rolled oats, baking soda, XL-salt,  apple sauce, almond milk, XL-walnuts, Xl-peanut powder, vegan chocolate chips – one per cookie)
* blueberries, raspberries, grapes
* gorilla salad (black beans, rice, cabbage, romaine lettuce, carrots, green and red cabbage, cilantro, lemon, red and green salsa, XL-avocado)
* corn


* celery w/ some lowfat peanut butter / chocolate powder dip

Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

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