Egypt Doing Well

Egyptians have a low vaccination rate (3%) and only 29K Tests/M (compare with 3.95 M Tests/M for the UK). That is 136 times more testing for the UK than for Egypt.

Nevertheless, only 160 Deaths/M for Egypt vs 760 Deaths/M for Israel.

By the way, the UK has 1940 deaths/million. 

Egypt could be in the Early stages of natural population immunity, like India, without much vaccination.  However,  it looks like they will have to battle a Delta “wave” before getting past the pandemic..

Meanwhile Israel just had its highest case total on record, and should soon break its highest daily death total.

60% of hospitalized Israelis are fully vaccinated. That seems to indicate the vaccine is ineffective. And vaccinated are more likely to transmit to others.

But instead of giving up on the vaccine, Israel is tripling down, and beginning booster shots.

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