Cancer doesn’t scare me anymore

Dr. Day’s Ten Commandments of Health:

Each one of the below TEN COMMANDMENTS OF HEALTH should be inspected very carefully for their inherent truthfulness. These are found in various Dr. Day videos.

THE FIRST COMMANDMENT: Your diet should consist of mostly fruits-grains & vegetables. Our long & winding intestines were not designed to handle animal food very well; it tends to putrify within the sytem, as well as carry all of the diseases of the animals we eat. ALL meat has problems, including beef, chicken and even fish. The fat content is simply unacceptable, and Dr. Day gives vivid details within the video.

THE SECOND COMMANDMENT: Exercise, and exercise often to give your body enough oxygen to perform properly.

THE THIRD COMMANDMENT: Drink plenty of water each day, preferably without the harmful elements in it like chloride & flouride. [Lorraine stated that it was drinking approximately eight or more glasses of water per day that helped save her life while on death’s door.]

THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT: Get plenty of sunshine, while being sensible to avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day. Vitamin D is very necessary for the immune system.

THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT: TEMPERANCE ~~ which means to rid yourself of as much sugar-alcohol & caffeine as possible. Dr. Day says that she did not early on, and contributed to her own cancer; she states that these insidious ingredients do much harm in ridding the body of WATER, the very thing that helps keep the immune system in balance.

THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT: Get plenty of fresh air.

THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT: Do not deprive yourself of sleep, i.e. try to get to bed well before midnight, and as close to the setting of the sun as possible…and rise with the sun also. This has something to do with being in sync with the proper bio-rhythms.

THE LAST THREE have to do with a proper attitude (of gratitude), trusting in God & by reading the Bible, which, in turn, may rid you of anger -very bad for the immune system- and help you to love & forgive. This itself will lead you to the last item, which is being benevolent toward all, and actually going out of your way to help others.

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