Dr. David Price, Cornell Hospital, Pulmonary Disease & Critical Care Fellow says best (not easiest) way to avoid virus… DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE. Specifically avoid your EYES, NOSE, MOUTH area.

* Know where your hands are, and where they have been. Walk around with hand sanitizer. Clean your hands ALL the time.

* Stay 6 feet away from everybody

*Wear a mask to train yourself not to touch your face.

* Might try painting your fingernails bright red to alert your conscious brain when you see them approaching your face.

One dude on YouTube took a Sharpie indelible marker and drew a big DOT on the palm of each of his hands, and again on the opposite side on the back of his hands. There was a dual-purpose here, he could see his hand approaching his face, and he spent all day obsessively trying to wash off those dots. (Someone suggested henna, as it might be healthier than putting indelible ink on your skin.)

How about pulling out those bright green gardening gloves? You could cut off the tip of one of the fingers to tap on your devices.
The purpose (again) is to alert your conscious brain when your hand approaches your face.

Another idea to train yourself: wrap a bandana around your nose/mouth, and wear a pair of sunglasses. Just don’t walk into the liquor store with this outfit – ha!

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