Overwhelmed California hospitals contemplate rationing care


The concentration of these cases are areas with high Hispanic populations. These are my own people. I am outraged with the absence of programs to educate & promote lifestyle modifications to avoid this type of impact on my community. After nearly a year of the virus we know (and HAVE known from early on) the lifestyle factors that put us at high risk for hospitalization. While of course it is true that our overwhelming classification as essential workers often exposes us to heavy viral load, there are many modifications that could shore-up our vulnerable situation.


* Eat Low-S.O.S. unprocessed plant based foods (above the green line)
* Drink only water
* But do not neglect your rest day (dipping occasionally below the green line)
* Raise heart rate 30+ mins daily
* Lift weights 3+ times weekly
* Most important of all – be still w/ gratitude & grace for all the blessings we take for granted in our lives

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