Ethiopian Seasoning Mixture


Ethiopian Seasoning Mixture
Inspired by Susan Voisin
(link below)

This Christmas I am giving these as gifts. Combine seasonings in the following proportions, mix well & store in a shaker bottle or a glass jar. (Next recipe posts use these seasonings.)

1 Tbs. ground cardamom
1 Tbs. ground coriander
1 Tbs. fenugreek (rare, so I replaced with ground mustard)
1 Tbs. ground nutmeg
1 Tbs. ground allspice
1 Tbs. cinnamon
1 Tbs. paprika
1 Tbs. turmeric
1 tsp. = 1/3 Tbs. cayenne
1/3 Tbs. ground black pepper
1/3 Tbs. ground sea salt

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