I [Jeff Nelson] recently had an illuminating conversation with Dr. Peter Rogers, a Harvard-trained physician who’s one of the world’s top experts on heart disease and nutrition. What he shared about how our diet affects our blood flow was mind-blowing, and I had to share it with you.
Did you know that after a high-fat meal, your blood can become as thick as a milkshake? Dr. Rogers explained that when this happens, your heart has to work much harder to pump this thickened blood through your arteries — especially to your brain. Imagine trying to push a thick shake through a thin straw, and you’ll get the picture.
Some highlights from our conversation that might surprise you:
* Atherosclerosis (the buildup in our arteries) is actually a blood clot, not just “plaque”
* Women typically live longer than men partly because menstruation acts like a natural blood donation, keeping blood thinner and healthier
* The mouthwash you’re using might be working against your heart health by killing beneficial bacteria that help dilate your blood vessels
* That sunshine-induced good feeling you get? It’s actually from natural blood vessel dilators being released in your skin
Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Rogers revealed why many common heart procedures like stenting might be less effective than we think, and why dietary changes can be dramatically more powerful.
The full interview dives deep into the fascinating science of how our blood vessels work (with some amazing visuals), and Dr. Rogers explains it all in a way that finally makes sense. If you’ve ever wondered why high blood pressure is so dangerous or why your doctor is concerned about your cholesterol, this is the video to watch.
Link to blood sludge video on Dr. Mcdougall’s channel: