# face exercise
# Lift lunch sisters @ gym
# standing/walking desk 6 hrs
# ab-coaster @ home (2 sets of 40)
# leg magic @ home (2 sets of 15)
WATER: (goal: > 75)
(3) Ă— (25.4) = 76.2 oz
* 3 oz juiced carrots & collard greens w/ teaspoon dehydrated barley alfalfa powder
* rolled oats w/ hot water, strawberries, blackstrap molasses
* banana
* raw chopped veggies (broccoli, carrots, red and green cabbage, jicama, radishes, green bell pepper, celery)
* bean & rice bowl: veggie rice (brown jazmine, chopped onion, bell pepper, asparagus, carrot, tomato, garlic w/ salt-free tomato sauce) & salt-free pinto beans, served w/ sauerkraut, salsa & lemon
* air-popped fat-free salt-free popcorn served w/ Trader Joe’s Low-Fat Kitty Cat Cookies (for humans)
* dairy-free yogurt w/ dry rolled oats & banana
Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food