Category: Corona Virus
Is Covid-19 Causing an Altitude Sickness Type Disease?
Sequestration Meditation
Dr. David Price, Cornell Hospital, Pulmonary Disease & Critical Care Fellow says best (not easiest) way to avoid virus… DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE. Specifically avoid your EYES, NOSE, MOUTH area.
* Know where your hands are, and where they have been. Walk around with hand sanitizer. Clean your hands ALL the time.
* Stay 6 feet away from everybody
*Wear a mask to train yourself not to touch your face.
* Might try painting your fingernails bright red to alert your conscious brain when you see them approaching your face.
One dude on YouTube took a Sharpie indelible marker and drew a big DOT on the palm of each of his hands, and again on the opposite side on the back of his hands. There was a dual-purpose here, he could see his hand approaching his face, and he spent all day obsessively trying to wash off those dots. (Someone suggested henna, as it might be healthier than putting indelible ink on your skin.)
How about pulling out those bright green gardening gloves? You could cut off the tip of one of the fingers to tap on your devices.
The purpose (again) is to alert your conscious brain when your hand approaches your face.
Another idea to train yourself: wrap a bandana around your nose/mouth, and wear a pair of sunglasses. Just don’t walk into the liquor store with this outfit – ha!
During Our Virus “Lockdown”
Virus Info
This was shared w/ me:
Advice written by Swiss chemist
• a virus is not a living organism, but only a molecule covered by a protective layer of lipids (fats), that upon being absorbed by ocular, nasal and mouth mucosa cells changes the genetic code of the cells and converts them into aggressor and multiplier cells.
• Since the virus is not a living organism but rather a molecule, it doesn’t die but rather disintegrates on its own. The length of time it takes to disintegrate depends on temperature, humidity and the type of material where is sits.
• The virus is very fragile, the only thing that protects it is a thin external layer of fat. That’s why any soap or detergent is the best remedy because suds break down grease/fats (that’s why you have to suds up for 20 seconds or more in order to make a lot of suds). Once the layer of fat is dissolved, the molecule of protein falls apart and disintegrates on its own.
• HEAT melts grease, that is why it is best to use water that is at least 25 degrees centigrade (you can do your math here or just use pretty warm water) to wash your hands, clothes, etc. Besides, hot water makes more suds and that is good.
• Alcohol or any mixture of alcohol at more than 65% will dissolve any grease/fats, especially the outer fat layer of the virus.
• Any mixture of 1 part Clorox and 5 parts water dissolve directly the protein, which kills it from the inside.
• Oxidized water can be used besides soap, alcohol, and clorox because peroxide dissolves the protein of the virus, but you have to use it alone and it damages the skin.
• NO BACTERIACIDE WORKS. Since the virus is not a living organism, you can’t kill anything that is not alive with antibiotics, except to rapidly disintegrate its structure with everything mentioned above.
• NEVER shake clothes you have worn (or not worn) nor sheets or anything made of cloth. As long as it is stuck to a porous surface, it is inert and will disintegrate in 3 hours (cloth and porous surfaces) 4 hours (copper which is naturally antiseptic and wood because it pulls away all of the humidity and it stays stuck and disintegrates), 24 hours (cardboard), 42 hours (metal) and 72 hours (plastic). Don’t dust or use a duster as the molecules of the virus will float in the air for up to 3 hours and can lodge in the nose.
• The molecules of the virus are very stable in outdoor cold, air conditioning in houses and cars. It needs humidity to be stable and also darkness. Therefore, in environments that are dehumidified, dry, and with a lot of light will disintegrate it more rapidly.
• ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT on any object where it can land will disintegrate the protein of the virus. For example, it is perfect to disinfect and be able to reuse a mask. Careful as it also disintegrates the protein in the skin (collagen) and can cause big wrinkles and skin cancer.
• No virus can go through healthy skin.
• Vinegar does not work because it doesn’t dissolve the protective layer of grease.
• NO FIREWATER OR VODKA work. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol and you need at least 65%.
• LISTERINE DOES WORK! It is 65% alcohol.
• The more confined space the virus is in, the more concentrated it becomes. Open air and natural ventilation are the best.
• It is imperative to wash your hands before and after touching mucous areas, food, knobs, light switches, remote controls, cell phones, watches, computers, desks, TVs etc. And when after using the toilet.
• You need to use lotion on your dry hands, because the molecules can hide in tiny cracks. The thicker the cream, the better. Also keep your fingernails short! so the virus can’t hide in there either.”
– in the air 3 hours
– cardboard 1 hour
– plastic & metal 3 days
– don’t go to market if you have ANY respiratory illness
– avoid market if over 60
– upon entering store use 2 clean produce bags like gloves
– wipe down your cart
– only handle what you commit to buy
– buy 2 weeks of groceries at once, if possible
– bring a list to minimize market time
– only use new (not used) shopping bags, plastic is best
– if cloth bags used, store them later outside
* leave your groceries (if possible) outside (garage, porch) for 3 days
* if groceries are delivered, have them left outside
* If you must bring them inside:
– sanitized the surface you’re going to use
– divide the sanitized surface into 2 areas (like RIGHT for sterile and LEFT non-sterile items)
– with sanitizer spray (or *well* saturated cloth) clean anything human hands have touched (plastic containers, cardboard, cartons, etc)
– may remove pouches packed in boxes & discard outer box
– for bagged bread/chips/frozen foods/etc you may dump content into clean storage container & discard original wrapping, or spray/wipe down wrapping
– for plastic wrapped produce, either open & dump into your clean veggie drawer, or spray/wipe down plastic & store
– soak the fresh produce (w/ skin) in soapy water, then scrub each piece like you’re washing hands (20 seconds), rinse well, air dry
– may also wash fresh veggies in soapy water, but rinse very well
– best to cook at home, but if not
– only order hot food
– set take out food on counter LEFT side for “non-sterile” containers
– wash your hands
– consider plastic/paper wrappers non-sterile
– dump content of wrappers on to clean plate, bowl, cup (on counter RIGHT side for “sterile” items) including content of wet sauces & discard wrappings
– heat & microwave KILLS the virus (but it can live frozen 2 years, so heat frozen items – like frozen pizza – later, before eating), AND heat your take-out.
Self-Help w/ COVID-19
History/Prevention of Pandemics
Dr. Michael Greger (former public health director in DC) soon updating figures in this decade old speech on history/prevention of pandemics.
Smoking & Coronavirus Secondary Infection