A Complete Lower Body Routine Women Over 40

Skip to time 14:14 for the workout!

(Most are 3 sets of 5 – 8 reps, or to fatigue!)

DAY 1:
* FRONT SQUAT (Back straight, dumbbells over shoulders, elbows up)
* GOBLET SQUAT (Back straight, elbows between knees, shoulder width stance)
* HACK SQUATS FOR QUADS (Machine: back straight, feet near platform rear. / Home: against wall, roller pad between back/wall, back straight, pressure on balls of feet)
* LEG PRESS (Machine: wide stance, feet mid-plate, toes outward. / Home: roller or big ball between back & wall, mimic machine stance)
* LEG EXTENSIONS: (If home sit on couch w/ foam roller under knees & grasp weight between feet)
* BULGARIAN SPLIT LUNGE: (Back toe on step, dumbbells on shoulders, pressure on front-leg’s heel)

* HACK SQUAT FACING MACHINE (If home: sumo deadlift w/ wide grip & very wide stance, pressure on heels, may use kettle)
* SISSY SQUATS (Home: Use TRX straps, lean way back, knees together)
* HAMSTRING CURLS (Home: on back, heels on big ball)
* LEG EXTENSIONS: (If home sit on couch w/ foam roller under knees & grasp weight between feet)
* SUMO DEADLIFT w/ wide grip & very wide stance, pressure on heels, may use kettle)

* STRAIGHT-LEG DEADLIFT (very wide stance, use kettle)
* SINGLE LEG STEP-UP (try wide platform with grip for balance, hold plate, 15-20 reps per leg)
* SIDE STEP SQUATS (squat band on calves)
* HIP THRUST MACHINE (Home: barbell or dumbbell w/ strap, or no weights single legs)
* GLUTE KICKBACK MACHINE (Home: on hands & knees, w/ dumbbell grasped by back of knee)

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