Sept 20, 2022
Dr. Peter McCullough:
“If the topic of discussion is childhood vaccination, it is clear based on publications of representative data that the risks far outweigh any potential benefits of vaccinating children. And the data are clear. And in the last few weeks now reports have come in, one from Connecticut — with oversight from the pathology from the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota — on two teenage boys who died on days two and four after the Pfizer vaccine and the parents were horrified to find the children dead at home. Autopsies were performed and the conclusion was crystal clear: the vaccines caused the death with massive heart inflammation . . . fatal reports have come in from . . . it is clear that a vaccine is being pushed, is being encouraged in mandating that in fact results in death of children. Results in death of children. One death is too many. As I’ve shared with you, in millions of children receiving the vaccine, they don’t die of Covid-19 respiratory illness, but in fact they die of the vaccine. It’s my viewpoint as a physician and as a public citizen that all vaccine mandates should immediately be dropped and all current vaccines be pulled from the market and undergo a very intensive review on safety and efficacy and figure out where the vaccine program has gone wrong..”
Excerpt from:
Pennsylvania State Senate Discussion On COVID-19 And Medical Freedom