How to Make Rice


* Bring a large pot of water to a boil (at least 6-8 times more water than rice)

* When the water is boiling add the rice, mixing in well to avoid clumps.

* Cook at a rolling boil and check for doneness frequently, starting at 10 minutes for white rice and 25 minutes for brown rice.

* Drain the rice in a colander with small holes as soon as it is tender and place into a large bowl.

* Serve at once.

(If you are not serving right away, leave in a colander to drain, and then reheat in a bowl just before serving.)

“MRNA COVID Vaccines Are Bioweapons”

Dr Francis Boyle is the architect of the 1989 Treaty Against Bioweapons. Boyle serves as counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the Provisional Government of the Palestinian Authority. He also represents two associations of citizens within Bosnia and was involved in developing the indictment against Slobodan Milošević for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over his career, he has represented national and international bodies including the Blackfoot Nation.