Day 175 of Year 7 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors

WATER:  (3) × (25) = 75 oz

* scrambled mung-egg w/ tomato, onion & side of avocado-garlic toast
* veggie sushi roll w/ seaweed XL-salad (contains oil)
* miso XL-soup (contains excess salt)
* grapes
* leftover miso soup w/ seaweed


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

Confirmation of Vaccine-Associated Mortality – by Mathew Crawford – Rounding the Earth Newsletter

The bottom link is a review of the paper I posted earlier, WHY ARE WE VACCINATING CHILDREN AGAINST COVID-19?

“Let us appreciate his restraint in never using the word “assholes” anywhere in the paper. At the age of 84, he maintains a level of polite discipline in the face of assholes I can scarcely muster on my better days.”

STATE of California Considers COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Students 12 and Up – NBC

The state of California stopped allowing public school student vaccination exemptions due to personal beliefs in 2016.

Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Hospitalized With Covid-19, March 2020 – March 2021

Severe COVID-19 cases in adults have been linked to underlying condition. This study identified frequent underlying conditions and there attributable risks for severe COVID-19 illness.

Former HHS COVID Advisor Voices Opposition to Child Vaccinations

The coronavirus vaccine offensive is relentless and all-consuming. The powers that be absolutely will not rest until they’ve stuck a shot into every person they can, no matter how tyrannical they have to be, no matter how many rights they have to obliterate, and quite possibly, no matter how many lives they have to end.

Before we knew almost anything else about Covid-19, we knew this: Children are virtually immune to it. If they even spread the virus at all, they do so very little. None of our coronavirus interventions need to focus on children. It’s too intrusive and just not worthwhile.

But that is not enough for the vaccine cult. They need to inject children, not just their children, but your children too. They need it, deep down in their bones. This is a religious commitment, not a scientific one and not a medical one.

Last week, the FDA held a hearing on providing Booster shots to the elderly. It was quite the barnburner of a hearing. It went for more than eight hours, with people making comments just a couple of minutes at a time. But the most interesting comment was from entrepreneur Steve Kirsch. He’s made several hundred million dollars in Silicon Valley, so he’s certainly not some idiot. During his comments, which were restricted to just a few minutes, he asked several questions.

If the coronavirus vaccines are safe, he asked, why were there four times as many heart attacks in the initial treatment group as in the placebo? And why does VAERS suggest there are 71 times as many heart attacks after receiving this vaccine compared to any other vaccine on record? And if the coronavirus vaccines are safe, why does the Israeli ministry of health suggest that far more vaccinated people over ninety are dying than unvaccinated over ninety? And if the coronavirus vaccines are safe, Kirsch asks, why are there signs the initial Pfizer vaccine treatment group might have been gamed to improve the results? And if vaccines are so essential, Kirsch asks, why are cases in Israel as high as ever, while they have nearly vanished in India’s most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, despite almost none of the population being vaccinated there?

According to Kirsch, the number of excess deaths stemming from the coronavirus vaccines could be 411 deaths per million doses. With the number of doses we’ve doled out so far, that would be 150,000 excess deaths.

But the FDA didn’t listen to Kirsch or any of the other health care professionals across this country who have seen alarming signs about what this vaccine can do to people. And now we’re going to be injecting it into our children, whom we already know with absolute certainty are at nearly zero risks from coronavirus. They’re at so little risk from the virus that, even ignoring the risk of the vaccine itself, you could justify not giving it to them to spare them the car trip to get the shot. Because believe me, more children are likely to die driving to the doctor’s office to get a shot than will die from coronavirus in this country.

Doctor Paul Alexander was Senior Covid advisor to President Trump. Since the end of the Trump Administration, he’s been warning that thousands upon thousands of children could be harmed directly by having this vaccine forced into their arms. Dr. Alexander joined Stew on the show to discuss.