How Low Can You Go? Forgotten Benefits of Deep Squats


  • Many health benefits are associated with deep squats, including improved bowel elimination, production of synovial fluid in the hips and knees, muscle growth that is associated with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, improved balance and better communication between your brain and muscle groups
  • In Western cultures people don’t often squat outside the gym, and even then, they don’t perform deep squats. A deep squat involves keeping your feet flat on the floor and dropping until your hamstrings touch your calf muscles
  • Long hours of sitting tighten calf muscles and hip flexors. This alters your posture and increases the risk of back pain. Appropriate stretches for your ankles, calves and hips may be necessary before you can achieve a deep squat
  • Consider incorporating deep squats into your daily routine, such as squatting to pick up your child or items off the floor. Resting squats can be used while watching television or reading. Squatting outside while barefoot allows for the exchange of electrons between your body and the earth, also known as grounding or Earthing

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