Revisiting the Issue of Human Augmentation

March 30, 2023  by Spartacus

A couple days ago, I [Spartacus] had another conversation with ChatGPT and got it to admit some rather stunning things. I posted a partial version of this convo on Twitter and it received quite a bit of interest.

Granted, every reply from this language model should be taken with a grain of salt, for a number of reasons. AIs are prone to hallucinations; if they don’t have a valid answer, they will make one up from scratch. They’re also highly motivated to mirror your questions as much as possible.

However, these AIs are trained on massive data sets that often include information that matches the query, including the contents of peer-reviewed scientific articles and other highly technical publications.

With that in mind, let’s see what the AI had to say when further pressed about IoB [Internet of Behaviors] tech. Again, Midjourney was used for the images.

Nano Networks in the Body

Nanoarchitectonics is an interdisciplinary research field that focuses on the design, synthesis, and manipulation of materials and structures at the nanoscale. 

Intra-body nano-networks are a concept in the field of nanotechnology that involves creating networks of nanoscale devices or nanoparticles within the human body to perform various tasks, such as monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. These tiny, interconnected devices can work together to provide real-time communication, data transmission, and coordinated responses to specific biological signals or stimuli.

Conversing with CHAT GPT…

Spartacus: Given the ability of these technologies to influence human health, cognition, emotions, and judgment, isn’t there an extraordinary existential risk here that is similar to other WMDs?

ChatGPT: The potential misuse of intra-body nano-networks and related technologies does indeed represent an existential risk, especially when considering their ability to influence human health, cognition, emotions, and judgment. Although they might not have the same immediate destructive capabilities as traditional weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) like nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, the potential long-term consequences and ethical implications of these technologies can be profound.

Some of the risks associated with the misuse of these technologies include:

1. Loss of autonomy: The ability to control or manipulate human cognition, emotions, and judgment could lead to a significant loss of personal autonomy and individual freedom.

2. Human rights abuses: The misuse of these technologies might result in severe human rights abuses, as they can be used to suppress dissent, control populations, or even force people to act against their will.

3. Unintended consequences: The manipulation of complex biological systems could have unintended consequences, leading to unforeseen health issues or unpredictable impacts on human behavior.

4. Escalation of conflict: The development and deployment of these technologies as weapons could lead to new arms races and escalate existing conflicts, increasing the risk of global instability.

5. Proliferation and accessibility: The potential for these technologies to be acquired and misused by non-state actors, terrorists, or rogue nations poses a significant proliferation threat.

To mitigate these existential risks, it’s crucial to establish international norms, ethical guidelines, and regulatory frameworks that govern the development and use of intra-body nano-networks and related technologies. This should involve interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists, engineers, ethicists, policymakers, and human rights advocates to ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly and for the benefit of society as a whole.

Additionally, fostering a culture of transparency and open dialogue can help raise public awareness about the potential risks and benefits of these technologies, contributing to more informed decision-making and responsible policy development.

READ DETAILS HERE, and at least scroll down to CONCLUSION to read the closure.

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