Day 147 of Year 7 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors
* Eye exercise

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* veggie sandwich (spinach, tomato, onion, bell pepper, olives, pepperoncini, cucumbers, pickles, vinegar, black pepper on multigrain bread)
* trailmix w/ rice cracker pieces & almonds
* acai smoothie bowl w/ strawberries, banana, coconut, sliced almonds


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food

* oilfree fried mung-egg
* few veggie XL-crisps

Comments from France

Not a good idea to move to FRANCE for now. I live in France. This is how it actually is here right now:

Those of us who do not have a “pass sanitaire” (vaccine passport) or a negative test of less than 72 hours are not allowed into any restaurant, café, theater, cinema, fitness center, museum, festival, sporting event, public swimming pool, zoo, certain shopping centers, etc. And all staff at these places are mandated to get the jab to keep their job. Certain campsites require passes. Weddings are allowed in private venues only.

We are not even allowed into libraries now without a pass or a negative test or to sit at a table in front of a bakery or on a café terrace, nor can we bring little kids in to use their washrooms when they need to pee. We are currently still allowed to get take-out food, but we are not allowed to sit in any outdoor dining areas to eat it.

We are also not allowed on planes or long-distance trains and busses, making things very impractical for those of us without cars. Worst of all, unless deemed an urgent emergency, no one is allowed into a hospital, nor into old people’s homes or other care centers without pass or negative test. At one of the first big rallies in Paris, I heard a nurse explain how a patient without a pass arrived at the hospital where she works and had to get a test before being allowed in for care. The result was negative, but they wanted to make sure, so they administered a second test. By the time they had the results, the patient was dead… This is a true story that happened a month ago, so this has surely happened to others seeking care as well…

Business-owners now risk being fined up to 45,000 euros and a 1-year prison sentence if they do not enforce the regulations in their establishment, i.e., verify that each of their clients has a valid “pass” or if they allow unvaccinated employees to continue working.

The fine for possessing a fraudulent pass is 3 years imprisonment plus 45,000 euros in fines…

As of Sept 15, ALL unvaccinated healthcare workers, firemen, ambulance personnel, etc. (even volunteers!) will be suspended from their jobs without pay or welfare support. Many doctors are being persecuted for speaking out and some have been fired or have lost their licenses to practice and the same will probably happen to others of these brave souls who are resisting the medical tyranny. Many other doctors though, sadly, are going along with the lies and enforcing them…

What really scares me is the rising mob mentality – so well explained in Charles Eisenstein’s essay, “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed”. It is amazing to see how justified people seem to feel to criticize, ridicule, and verbally abuse anyone who they deem to be “anti-vaccine”, “anti-pass”, “covid-skeptic”, etc. (they are coming up with more and more names to label us with). The media and government seem to be encouraging this kind of behavior. I have had first-hand personal experience of this kind of aggression and it is not pleasant. The last time it happened, I felt like I was suddenly surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves ready to devour me. The contemptuous, nonsensical rhetoric being hurled at me was stunning. And all I had done was peacefully explain why I wasn’t wearing a mask…
I have now realized that I need to stay more discreet if I want to stay safe. I will find other ways find to be useful in more encouraging ways…

We are in for a very bumpy ride.
But we will get through this! We must keep the faith.

One thing that gives hope here in France is that the revolutionary spirit of the French has finally REAWAKENED! Surprisingly many here still don’t seem too worried about the injection, BUT, when it comes to their LIBERTIES being threatened – watch out!

We have been MILLIONS in the streets protesting all over France every Saturday since these regulations were announced on July 17th, people of ALL walks of life and political preference, ethnic background, economic status, age, etc.

The directors of all the hospitals in Paris declared that their hospitals would be on strike for an unlimited time. Hospitals all over France are following suit. The firemen all over France are doing the same – they are on strike for an illimited time, it is a national strike to protest against the vaccine passport.

And all the various court trials happening in many countries and all the positivity going into creating new forms of society… All these things and more, give hope and inspiration and the strength and courage to keep on.

Stay strong, support each other, LOVE and TRUTH will prevail – we WILL be victorious!

(Comment found here)

Corona Virus Documentary


In this latest documentary on the pandemic response, we hear from experts around the globe who are qualified to address the pandemic (not anonymous “fact-checkers” defending a narrative):

Dr. Beda Stadler, PhD is considered the “vaccine pope” and one of the top immunologists in the world.

Dr. John Ioannidis, MD, DSc is Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics and co-Director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).

Dr. Ioannidis is one of the most-cited scientists of all times in the scientific literature. His current research at Stanford covers a wide agenda, including meta-research, large-scale evidence, population health sciences and predictive medicine and health.

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH is one of the most cited MD’s in the world in the National Library of Medicine on medical treatments, including for COVID-19, and has served on committees to investigate vaccine injuries.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD is a renowned German microbiologist who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, and received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. He is also the former Emeritus Head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD is the former Vice President and a Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer.

Dr. James Lyon-Weiler, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Jim Meehan, MD is a former editor of two medical journals.

Dr. John Lee, PhD is a pathologist and former clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School and is a Consultant Histopathologist at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP is a medical specialist in pathology and virology and is currently Chairman of a medical biotechnology company in North Carolina that produces COVID-19 tests. He has also been used as a medical expert in court.

Dr. Denis Raincourt, PhD, Researcher and former full Professor of Physics at Hull University in Ottawa, Canada

Dr. Christine Northrup, MD is one of the most respected women in America on women’s health issues and a former guest on numerous television shows, including Oprah Winfrey.

Dr. Sheri Tennpenny is an expert on vaccine safety for families.

Dr. Dolores Cahill received her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994 and is a professor at the University College in Ireland. She was a Member of Ireland’s Advisory Science Council (2005-2014); a European Commission Seconded National Expert (2013-2014) and an EC expert for over 10 years

Day 146 of Year 7 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

* Jog 5k outdoors
* Face exercise
* Eye exercise
* Lift biceps & triceps

(3) × (25) = 75 oz

* leftover cup of Moroccan soup
* oatmeal w/ fresh peach, strawberry, sliced almond, flaked coconut & oat milk
* trailmix w/ rice cracker pieces
* gorilla salad w/ Trader Joe’s green goddess dressing
* mung-egg sandwich w/ tomato on multi-grain English muffin
* mini grapes
* cup of leftover banana ice cream


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food