Are Foods Being Turned Into Bioweapons?

May 22, 2023

Story at a glance:

  • Dr. Peter Lurie, president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and Beth Ellikidis, vice president of agriculture and environment at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), argue for the genetic engineering of food. Both are connected to Bill Gates and other Great Resetters that are pushing to replace all-natural foods with patentable, genetically modified foods.
  • BIO, the world’s largest GMO (genetically modified organism) trade organization, represents more than 1,000 pesticide, pharmaceutical, and biotech companies in more than 30 countries. BIO claims genetic engineering is the solution to heal, fuel and feed the world, and to that end, it lobbies 15 different policy areas, including food, agriculture, and healthcare policy.
  • In 2004, BIO launched BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH), a nonprofit organization that “develops and manages programs across the for-profit and non-profit sectors to accelerate research and development for poverty-related diseases.” BVGH was launched with a $1 million start-up grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • In 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spun off a nonprofit subsidiary to the foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute (Gates MRI), which develops biotechnologies to address health problems in poor countries.
  • BIO is partnered with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), and the DOD specifically funds and provides technology transfers for the diseases that Gates MRI and BVGH are focused on: malaria, tuberculosis and Ebola.

Chris van Tulleken—Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food and Why Can’t We Stop?

“You’re part of an experiment you didn’t volunteer for. New molecules and new combinations of molecules are being tried in your food the whole time. You take all the risks in these experiments, the companies get all the benefits.”

This week on the Mad in America podcast we are joined by Dr. Chris van Tulleken. Chris is an Infectious Diseases doctor at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. He trained at Oxford and has a PhD in molecular virology from University College London, where he is an associate professor.

His research focuses on how corporations affect human health, especially in the context of child nutrition, and he works with UNICEF and the World Health Organization on this area. Chris is also one of the BBC’s leading broadcasters for children and adults and his work has won two BAFTAs. In this interview, we talk about Chris’s new book Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food and Why Can’t We Stop?

The book takes a deep dive into the science, economics, history, and production of ultra-processed food. In particular, we discuss some of the effects of UPF on our brains and bodies and how the food industry positions UPF to dominate our diets.

Bill Gates Owns Synthetic Fruit Coating – What’s in It?

May 10, 2023


  • Apeel is a plant-based protective coating that “helps the produce you love stay fresh for longer.” It retains moisture within the produce and keeps oxygen out, thereby slowing the spoilage rate
  • Apeel Sciences was founded with a $100,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Other investors include the Rockefeller Foundation; the World Bank Group; Anne Wojcicki, co-founder and CEO of the personal genomics company 23andMe; and Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube
  • Apeel Science’s founder, James Rogers, Ph.D., is an agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF). He’s hailed COVID lockdowns as a model for future action on climate change. In other words, climate lockdowns. Rogers is also a WEF Young Global Leader
  • Avocados, cucumbers, lemons and limes, mandarins, oranges, organic apples, grapefruit and mangos are listed as produce that are currently being treated with this coating. Apeel-treated produce can be identified by looking for the “Apeel Protected” produce sticker
  • The coating, which cannot be washed off, likely contains toxic contaminants, including heavy metals and carcinogens, as well as trans fats and, potentially, harmful linoleic acid

The Attack on Food Symposium – solutions to fight back

March 4, 2023

This is a 7 hour symposium. To watch individual (brief) presentations go here.

Hosted by Meryl Nass, M.D. Presented by Children’s Health Defense TV

Opening Remarks

Session 1 Attacks on Food & Agriculture — Alexis Baden-Mayer | Benjamin Dobson | AndrĂ© Leu | Abby Rockefeller | Patrick Wood | James Corbett | Joe Mercola | Stephanie Seneff

Session 2 Solutions for Farmers — | Ronnie Cummins | AndrĂ© Leu | Mark Fulford | Bonnie Mallard

Session 3 Solutions for Individuals — | John Day | Beverly Johannson | Sara Woods Kender | Zen Honeycutt

Session 4 Societal Solutions — | Alexis Baden-Mayer | Heather Retberg | Ben Banks-Dobson


Wall Street investment firms are thirsty for the West’s vanishing water

… “These companies aren’t buying up plots of land because they want to farm here and be a part of the community, they’re buying up land here for the water rights,” said Holly Irwin, a Cibola resident and La Paz County district supervisor…

“WE’RE BEING POISONED!” | Coke Whistleblower EXPOSES Big Food

Feb 19, 2023

A conversation with Calley Means, who is the founder of TrueMed, a company that issues prescriptions for food and exercise, enabling tax-free spending on items promoting health.

PUBLIC COMMENT: We are and always have been Cattle with a wallet. Government and corporations have been herding us around for years from birth to death with the explicit purpose of getting as much profit as possible in the given timeframe. Once you come to terms with this, many things in life will make much more sense.