Here’s what this 59-year-old guy who’s been vegan for 20 years typically eats.
I’m 6′ and 155 pounds and I’ve been losing weight due to bicycling, getting a little scrawny lately, so I’m actually currently eating more calories than this.
Black Bean/Lentil Veggie Burger recipe:
3 cups cooked lentils
3 cups cooked black beans
1 cup cooked rice
1 cup raw oats
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup dried/minced onions
2 tsp smoked paprika
Mash ingredients together with potato masher, until desired consistency is reached (need to be able to form into patties). Form mixture into patties, and place on cookie sheet.
Cover and place in refrigerator, for at least an hour (over night is best) Chill and grill!
These are REALLY GOOD!!! They come from a formula vegan dietitian Jeff Novick MS RD came up with. You can get the full series of HCLF veggie burgers on DVD from:…