Started Jan 19, 2022 by Mathew Crawford
The Omicron Hypothesis, Part 1
This topic is going to start big and get bigger. I don’t mean to bury the lede, but it’s far too big to fit into a title. But you need to understand this. Just read and keep reading. Please.
And what we cover is more like “Omicron Hypotheses” since we must keep branches of possibility open where we cannot fill in some information.
Understand that some of what follows is speculative, but reasonably so. As always, I will clearly cite/link to sources of fact. I invite further commentary to help gather the best set of information to work with.
Now, strap in and hold on to your seat. This is one of those articles…
The Omicron Hypothesis, Part 2
Continued Jan 22, 2022
To think that a week ago, I thought I was working on a one-off article. This is going to take a few. And remember, I’m laying out facts, asking questions, and leaving open numerous hypotheses. The point is to get good investigation on track—particularly in the public sphere. Privately, I get the feeling there are more scientists who understand larger swaths of the story than will speak publicly. In fact, I’m almost daily hearing about those trying to shed greater light on important elements of the story, often trying to do so without attaching their own names. These are difficult times for honest scientists.
The Omicron Hypothesis, Part 3
Continued Jan 25, 2022
A quick summary of primary open hypotheses explored:
- Hypothesis 1: Omicron has been circulating widely for at least several months.
- Hypothesis 2: Omicron was genetically engineered—most likely by somebody in the same working group who engineered an mRNA vaccine to stop SARS-CoV-2.
- Hypothesis 3 (the “don’t call it a variant” hypothesis): Omicron did not emerge from the phylogenetic tree whose root is the first-sequenced Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 strain.
In this part, we’re going to talk about hypotheses regarding vaccine efficacy. Omicron forces a complete rethink of the logic usually used to argue that the vaccines are effective.
The Omicron Hypothesis, Part 4
Continued Jan 26, 2022
A summary of primary open hypotheses explored:
- Hypothesis 1: Omicron has been circulating widely for at least several months.
- Hypothesis 2: Omicron was genetically engineered—most likely by somebody in the same working group who engineered an mRNA vaccine to stop SARS-CoV-2.
- Hypothesis 3: Omicron did not emerge from the phylogenetic tree whose root is the first-sequenced Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 strain.
- Hypothesis 4: Omicron is already endemic among a broad array of mammalian species.
- Hypothesis 5: A large portion of previously recorded CLI, if not all, were actually cases of omicron infection.
- Hypothesis 6: The “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” story was pure fabrication and there is no need for unsurveilled omicron to fill in the gaps. The CDC data reports are simply fraudulent.
- Hypothesis 7: The Greatest Crime Hypothesis. Omicron, SARS-CoV-2, and the COVID-19 vaccines were designed together as a toolset for establishing control.
Forgive my lesser coverage. I am preparing for a convention. There is so much more evidence that I am organizing and would like to write about, but it will have to wait. [Read more at this link]