Identifying Antibody – Appears 100% Effective, STI-1499

“We’re actually so impressed with the data,” Li said. “One of the antibodies is so powerful that at a very low concentration it is able to 100% completely prevent infection or inhibit the infection. In our studies, not even one virus escaped from the antibody.”

That was STI-1499.


“We anticipate having enough material to start a Phase I trial in patients in the ICU within two months. If that is successful, we will expand that trial using our cGMP facility which can produce 2,000 liters of material, which is enough for approximately 100,000 patients, based on what we think the dose will be,” Brunswick said.

The antibody is potentially both a preventative and a treatment. It prevents the virus from binding to the cell it wants to bind to, which means it can’t enter the cell and reproduce.

(Read details at above link)

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