Vegan Protein the best sources of plant based protein might surprise you!

The VEGAN PROTEIN LIST from this video:

1 CUP:
Fava bean powder 80g
Whey protein powder 50-75
peanut butter 65g  peanuts 38
chlorella 61g
peanut powder 50g 5% fewer calories
chicken 38g
peanuts 38
pumpkin seeds dry 34, fresh 12g
Soybeans  33  68 dry
ground beef 32g
nutritional yeast 32g  
Natto 31g  (140lb = 4.5 cups Natto)
chia  31
tempeh  31
Fava beans  27g  flour is 80g
fish 25
coconut flour 24   1 coconut is 13
oat groats  24 cooked
Pine nuts 22g
cashews 21
Nutritional yeast cheese  21g
Tofu 20 g
Almonds 20g
hummus 19
Lentils 18  dry 53
1 cup egg (chopped) 17g
large white beans 17
Pinto Beans 15   41 dry
chickpeas 14.5  dry 39
walnuts 12g
hemp seeds dry 54, fresh 10
1 cup quinoa 8   dry 24
peas  8g
Buckwheat  6   dry 23
1 egg 6g 
1 cup avocado 4.5
1 cup kale 2.2
1 cup almond milk 1g

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