Day 325 of Year 9 Low-SOS Vegan Plan

Mushroom-Oats burger patties

* Rest (On rest days I normally do some housework, shopping, etc. But today it’s windy & rainy outside, so this is REALLY a rest day. Besides preparing meals I’m taking a glorious Sabbath day off!)

(2) × (32) = 64 oz (+)

* oatmeal w/ blueberries, cinnamon, splash of almond milk, banana
* a few oilfree garlic & vinegar marinated mushrooms
* gorilla salad (I was inspired by the salad bar post. There are too many great veggies in my salad to name!)
* I crumbled the mushroom-oats patties for salad garnish
* dressing was low XL-oil, dairyfree spicy hot wings sauce diluted w/ ac vinegar
* another banana


Cmmt: XL indicates uncommon extravagantly luscious food, and wautéed means water-sautéed

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