Watch “Is a Whole Food Plant Based Diet The Answer to Chronic Disease? 2017 Documentary” on YouTube

“… for the most part, I would say a good 95 percent of what we do [treat] are degenerative conditions that actually occur because of what we eat.”

   – Dr. Kim Williams, Cardiologist

Plant based diet is our own power to thrive! So my question is – how much do you want it?

Are You a Skinny Fat Person? 10 Steps to Cure the Skinny Fat Syndrome

Let’s modify the following 10 suggestions the author writes about at the end of his article [SEE MY MODIFICATIONS IN BRACKETS]:

  1. Eat a Low-Glycemic Load Diet — Lean animal protein (chicken, fish, and eggs), nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruit, and small amounts of non-gluten grains. [ELIMINATE *ALL* FLESH, DAIRY & EGGS FROM DIET]
  2. Power Up with Protein — Start the day with protein and at each meal. This makes your metabolism run hotter and cuts hunger. Incorporate eggs, protein shakes, nuts, seeds, chicken, or fish. [HIGH PROTEIN TOUGH ON KIDNEYS & JOINTS. PLANT FOODS HAVE SUFFICIENT LEVELS]
  3. Don’t Drink Your Calories — No sodas, juices, sweetened drinks and no more than 3-4 glasses of wine or alcohol a week with meals. [PREFERABLY *NO* ALCOHOL]
  4. Avoid the Deadly White Powder or Flour — Including gluten-free flour products. Even whole grain flour acts like sugar in your body. [LIMIT *ALL* PROCESSED CARBS]
  5. Beware of Frankenfood — Factory-made foods are often science projects with fake ingredients including MSG (which causes ravenous hunger and is hidden as “natural flavoring”), high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, preservatives, and chemicals.
  6. Eat From the Right Plant — If it was made in a plant stay away, if it was grown on a plant it is probably okay.
  7. Get an Oil Change — Eat omega-3 fat-rich foods including sardines and wild salmon and avoid refined and processed vegetable oils except olive oil. [AVOID *ALL* PROCESSED FATS (OIL), AND INSTEAD OF GOING FISHING ADD GROUND FLAXSEED & A FEW WALNUTS FOR OMEGA 3]
  8. Get Going and Get Strong — Both cardio and strength training are key. Cardio builds fitness and improves metabolism, and strength training builds muscle so you won’t be a skinny fat person.
  9. Take Supplements — They grease the wheels of your metabolism and help burn calories and balance blood sugar. A good multivitamin, fish oil (EPA/DHA,) and vitamin D do the trick for 95 percent of people. [IDEAL TO GET VITAMIN D NATURALLY FROM SUNSHINE, EAT WIDE VARIETY OF PRODUCE & ONLY SUPPLEMENT B12]
  10. Protect Sleep Time — Sleep deprivation alters metabolism and increases cravings for carbs and sugar. Sleep is sacred. Make your bedroom a sleeping temple and stay there for 7 to 8 hours a night.

Why Am I Here… ?

I mean really, if I want to research & improve my eating habits, stick to regular exercise, develop & maintain an attitude of gratitude, make forgiveness a priority, seek intimate counsel, peace & direction in my spiritual life… why broadcast it? Why document it? And why embarrass myself publishing my personal wrestling match with those annoying XL-tags on my Meal & Workout Journal blog?

Well, its very simple. It’s all about LOVE. I’ll spare you the philosophical details. Suffice to say that when I read statements like this (click here):

“Who would’ve thought we’d ever see the day where what you eat (and) exercise, could account for more cancer deaths than smoking?”

it pisses me off! We have simple, inexpensive remedies available to avoid such pain & heartbreak, and to live a life of inner wealth, but the information is being diverted from us. I mean really, where’s the money to be made by the various corporations (tabacco, fast/processed food, pharmaceutical, heathcare, etc) that make a financial killing on our bad habits? It remains unfortunately true: the pursuit of profit is the root of all evil.

…however, in the final analysis it is we OURSELVES who determine our future fitness!

And with my little vent I’ve blown off enough steam & invigorated myself to jump into my yoga pants this morning & join the opening workout of my annual attendance at the Las Vegas Health, Healing & Happiness Expo… I’m out the door to gather more info & momentum on this journey… toodles! 

Love-love-love it! If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans w/ JP

For your consideration & enjoyment:

It’s hilarious irony, I love this type of humor! After you laugh ask yourself if you know vegans who act (reflectively) like this?

Pay some mind to the critiques by his pals at the end:

As he redundant repeated his emotionally-charged nutritional opinions at me, I was instantly convinced to become a meat eater.

JP was the most illogical, condescending person I’ve ever met.”

BTW, great headband!

Exercise Moderation 

Some interesting info about sustained (long term) high endurance exercise. Negative coronary results were obtained from young rodents on a short-term (two weeks) demanding exercise regimen. They were able to bounce back and reverse ill effects on their heart. Future research is needed to measure reversibility effect on older long-term endurance athletes. Until then all things in moderation